August 29, 2016exfoliation
Well, You made it. It’s the end of summer and the kids are starting (sniff) or going back (sigh of relief) to school. You probably have loads to think about, so to make your beauty routine a non-issue, here are my top three back to school beauty tips:
- Hold Your Tan: Hang on to summer as long as possible! After sun exposure, it is important to gently exfoliate and moisturise. Getting rid of the top layer of dry skin will allow moisturiser to penetrate properly, which will actually make your tan last longer. For both face and body you can just exfoliate using a wash cloth or muslin or use gentle sugar scrubs like Laughing Bird or make your own using Sugar/Salt, lemon juice and oil (olive/almond/coconut). For your face try Skin & Tonic London Gentle Scrub. To hydrate you can see my post here. On your face, rub a cream bronzer onto your cheekbones for a lasting glow. Try Daniel Sandler Watercolour Creme Bronze.
- Try Something New: I Love Zoe’s philosophy of encouraging women to step out of the box they are normally in. I agree, this is a great time to try a new colour or style: Give AW16/17 Modern Gothic look a whirl with blackberry lips or dark eyeshadow. Try Neal’s Yard Blackberry or Sleek’s Matte Me Vino Tinto Lips and Sleek Vintage Romance Palette or Lily Lolo Smoke and Mirrors Palette ( I love this and use it loads).
- Cut Your Hair: Yup, those ends are dead my friend. They need a cut, and you know it! Get a trim, a cut, a new style, a new shape, a new colour even, but end of summer locks are probably a bit dry and need to go. Your hair growth over the summer will most likely have been faster than normal so now is a good time to get a style cut back in, before you switch to your fall wardrobe. You can also do extra conditioning masks and treatments like the ones I describe here. And If you colour your hair: Blondes: try darkening a shade to neutral with lowlights, or brunettes: throw in some cinnamon streaks around your face, or Bleach it and go Mermaid!

Now, back to class kids!