I thought i'd do a quick post on some high street Maternity clothes that i've seen recently. I have noticed that more and more the high street is taking note that pregnant and breastfeeding women also want to be fashionable, which is obviously obvious to me but up until now it hasn't been to many global high street stores.
I have also noticed the emergence of some cool, individual maternity and nursing wear brands - such as Clary & Peg, Just Polly and Hatch. As well as Nine In The Mirror who hand pick high end designer clothes that are suitable for all stages of pregnancy and beyond.
Here are a few high street Maternity & Nursing basics that if i was pregnant at the moment i might get:

ASOS £40 / H&M £19.99 / TOPSHOP £39 / ASOS £45 / M&S £35 / TOPSHOP £28
From experience i wish that all the Maternity clothes that i bought, i could then wear to breastfeed in or without a bump.
I think there is still a long way to go before the gap in the market for fashionable, affordable, comfortable and cool Maternity and Nursing clothes is closed but slowly its happening. I also believe there is a massive opportunity for brands to educate their customers in what works for women during pregnancy and beyond.