One of the many reasons i started my DRESS LIKE A MUM campaign was to make a stand against all the false misconceptions and ideas people have about Mums and motherhood.
Assumptions are made by all kinds of people and companies about how you will behave once you become a Mum and most of them are false. ‘Mums’ often get lumped together as one demographic, but the fact is that there are loads of different types of people and women and therefore Mums. We can’t and shouldn’t all be treated the same. Mums are completely different people to one another and individuals in how we parent, dance, think, eat, live and dress.

DRESS LIKE A MUM is challenging and changing one aspect of these misconceptions about Motherhood - which is that mums can’t dress. Yes we can! We loved clothes and fashion and looking good before we had children so why would we change this?
Dressing like a Mum is about wearing what you like, what you feel good in and what makes you happy. I don’t want to tell people what to wear they can wear whatever they like. But I want to help, remind and inspire women not to loose their love of clothes and who they are once the madness, busyness and massive love for others becomes more important than them.

There are a few things that all Mothers do have in common - one is (obviously) that they have a child (or more) and the other is that we are all awesome, are doing our best and are doing (or dressing!) it our own way.
This Mother’s Day Not On The High Street have launched Mother’s Day the Maverick Way which celebrates ALL the amazing individual Mothers out there doing their thing their way.
Not On The High Street are also running an Instagram competition - all you have to do is share your #MaverickMum moment (these moments happen to Mums multiple times throughout the day - some are bigger than others but all these moments are important) with the # for the chance to win £500 NOTHS vouchers. (There will be a total of 3 winners).
Here are a few Maverick Mums that i have had the pleasure and honour of getting to know recently. The thing that brought us together was that we all have children, but the thing that keeps us together is our maverick-ness!